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Indivisible (2019)

Indivisible and over 100 other organizations are working together to protect the vote before, during, and after the election. Read A Guide to Defending Democracy by Hold the Line to learn about potential threats and how to prepare, then sign up with Protect the Results to be part of the solution. Indivisible is one of the best RPGs of the year. A masterclass in game design, Indivisible is funny, challenging and creative in equal measure. A few difficulty bumps can't take away from what is an almost perfect example of turn-based RPG genius. The production values are through the roof, and the game will have you rapt from beginning to end.

After a legal battle in Pennsylvania on how we can vote, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has handed down several rulings that will make voting easier in our state.

1. Drop Boxes are legal. The Court ruled that counties can establish drop boxes for the purpose of collecting Mail-In Ballots. Montgomery County will have the list of locations for the drop boxes soon and we will post them here.

2. The deadline has been extended for Mail-In votes to be received. Mail-In Ballots, postmarked on or before Election Day (3 November) by 8:00pm, will be counted if received by the County Board of Elections by Friday, 6 November, 5:00 PM. That is crucial!

3. Voters who received their Mail-In Ballots may change their minds, and choose to vote traditionally at their polling precinct or assigned place on Election Day. In order to vote in-person, voters must remember to bring the Mail-In Ballot they had received with them to the polling precinct, and void out their Mail-In Ballot by returning it to the Judge of Election, and signing it.

Data guardian 5 1 1. 4. For Mail-In Ballots to be counted, the ballots MUST be placed in the secrecy envelope (Please do not write on the secrecy envelope). If a voter forgets to use the secrecy envelope provided, their ballots will not be counted. DO NOT FORGET YOUR SECRECY ENVELOPE. If you have any questions on how to fill out your ballot, please contact MCDC at (610)272-2000.

5. For those who have requested a Mail-In Ballot prior 1 September they should expect to receive their ballot the week beginning 28 September.

6. The county has established satellite offices where citizens can register to vote, apply for a Mail-In Ballot, fill out the Mail-In Ballot, and return their Mail-In Ballots it to the office ALL in the same visit! The locations for the officers are listed below:

Indivisible (2019)

►The Montgomery County Willow Grove Annex, 102 North York Road, Willow Grove;
►Montgomery County Lansdale Office, 421 West Main Street, Lansdale;
►Magisterial District Court Office – Lower Merion, 925 Montgomery Avenue, Narberth;
►Montgomery County Community College, West Campus, 101 College Pottstown;
►50 One Montgomery County Plaza, First Floor, 425 Swede Street, Norristown.

7. Polling Locations. The majority of Voting Precincts will be reverting back to their original locations. For a complete and up to date listing of your polling locations, please click the link from our County Voter Services office below. This link will be updated with any changes. All voters in Montgomery County will be receiving a notice informing them of their polling locations regardless of if there was a change made. https://iqlx.over-blog.com/2021/01/ratchet-and-clank-3-free-for-mac.html.

Check here: https://www.montcopa.org/845/Where-Do-I-Vote

* Information retrieved from Montgomery County Democratic Committee

Indivisible Film 2019

Find ways you can TAKE ACTION now here!

Phone Bank to swing states with Indivisible Westchester!

Every Saturday through Election Day at 4:00pm. No experience necessary. Training provided. Registerhere.


We can’t spend our weekends canvassing this year because of Covid, but we can still reach out to voters. Join us via Zoom to help win this election!

Indivisible Pledge 2019

First of all, we hope that you are well and wish the best for you and your family. These are trying times and it’s important that all of us do what we can to stop the spread of this pandemic, starting with social distancing. Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered that all “non-essential” workers stay home and businesses close. Badland game of the year edition 1 2 download free. Here is list of what will remain open.

The New York State Department of Health has set up a hotline at (888) 364-3065 where Department of Health experts will be available to answer questions regarding COVID-19 including information about testing for those who have had contact with an infected person. Viper ftp 5 2 4x4.

Click hereto access the Westchester County Department of Health’s webpage for updated information about the virus and how to protect yourself.
Clickhere for information the most updated information from Johns Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center.

How To Help Those In Need:


Listen: Ep 44: NY State Senator Pete Harckham

Support the grassroots!

Indivisible Westchester would not be possible without the generosity of individual donors. We are 100% volunteer run. Funds cover our basics – printing, website hosting, communications promoting our message through social media platforms. Please consider donating $10 or more today! Donate now!

Indivisible Guide 2019

Tweets by IndivisWstchr

Indivisible (2019)
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